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Avoid stack allocation of complex objects (segfault with intel ifx)
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foxtran committed Feb 28, 2025
1 parent eb61a11 commit d1cf03d
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 21 deletions.
62 changes: 41 additions & 21 deletions src/type/calculator.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,55 +135,46 @@ subroutine hessian(self, env, mol0, chk0, list, step, hess, dipgrad, polgrad)
real(wp), intent(inout), optional :: polgrad(:, :)

integer :: iat, jat, kat, ic, jc, ii, jj
type(TMolecule) :: mol
type(TRestart) :: chk
real(wp) :: er, el, dr(3), dl(3), sr(3, 3), sl(3, 3), egap, step2
real(wp) :: alphal(3, 3), alphar(3, 3)
real(wp) :: t0, t1, w0, w1
real(wp), allocatable :: gr(:, :), gl(:, :)
type(scc_results) :: rr, rl

call timing(t0, w0)
step2 = 0.5_wp / step

!$omp parallel if(self%threadsafe) default(none) &
!$omp shared(self, env, mol0, chk0, list, step, hess, dipgrad, polgrad, step2, t0, w0) &
!$omp private(kat, iat, jat, jc, jj, ii, er, el, egap, gr, gl, sr, sl, dr, dl, alphar, alphal, &
!$omp& t1, w1)

allocate(gr(3, mol0%n), gl(3, mol0%n))

!$omp parallel do if(self%threadsafe) schedule(runtime) collapse(2) default(none) &
!$omp shared(self, env, mol0, chk0, list, step, hess, dipgrad, polgrad, egap, step2, t0, w0) &
!$omp private(kat, iat, jat, jc, jj, ii, er, el, gr, gl, sr, sl, rr, rl, dr, dl, alphar, alphal, &
!$omp& mol, chk, t1, w1)
!$omp do collapse(2) schedule(runtime)
do kat = 1, size(list)
do ic = 1, 3

iat = list(kat)
ii = 3*(iat - 1) + ic
er = 0.0_wp
el = 0.0_wp
gr = 0.0_wp
gl = 0.0_wp

call mol%copy(mol0)
mol%xyz(ic, iat) = mol0%xyz(ic, iat) + step
call chk%copy(chk0)
call self%singlepoint(env, mol, chk, -1, .true., er, gr, sr, egap, rr)
dr = rr%dipole
if (present(polgrad)) then
alphar(:, :) = rr%alpha
call hessian_point(self, env, mol0, chk0, iat, ic, +step, er, gr, sr, egap, dr, alphar)
call hessian_point(self, env, mol0, chk0, iat, ic, -step, el, gl, sl, egap, dl, alphal)

call mol%copy(mol0)
mol%xyz(ic, iat) = mol0%xyz(ic, iat) - step
call chk%copy(chk0)
call self%singlepoint(env, mol, chk, -1, .true., el, gl, sl, egap, rl)
dl = rl%dipole
if (present(polgrad)) then
alphal(:, :) = rl%alpha
polgrad(1, ii) = (alphar(1, 1) - alphal(1, 1)) * step2
polgrad(2, ii) = (alphar(1, 2) - alphal(1, 2)) * step2
polgrad(3, ii) = (alphar(2, 2) - alphal(2, 2)) * step2
polgrad(4, ii) = (alphar(1, 3) - alphal(1, 3)) * step2
polgrad(5, ii) = (alphar(2, 3) - alphal(2, 3)) * step2
polgrad(6, ii) = (alphar(3, 3) - alphal(3, 3)) * step2

dipgrad(:, ii) = (dr - dl) * step2

do jat = 1, mol0%n
do jc = 1, 3
jj = 3*(jat - 1) + jc
Expand All @@ -204,7 +195,36 @@ subroutine hessian(self, env, mol0, chk0, list, step, hess, dipgrad, polgrad)

end do
end do
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine hessian

subroutine hessian_point(self, env, mol0, chk0, iat, ic, step, energy, gradient, sigma, egap, dipole, alpha)
class(TCalculator), intent(inout) :: self
type(TEnvironment), intent(inout) :: env
type(TMolecule), intent(in) :: mol0
type(TRestart), intent(in) :: chk0
integer, intent(in) :: ic, iat
real(wp), intent(in) :: step
real(wp), intent(out) :: energy
real(wp), intent(out) :: gradient(:, :)
real(wp), intent(out) :: sigma(3, 3)
real(wp), intent(out) :: egap
real(wp), intent(out) :: dipole(3)
real(wp), intent(out) :: alpha(3, 3)

! internal variables
type(TMolecule) :: mol
type(TRestart) :: chk
type(scc_results) :: res

call mol%copy(mol0)
mol%xyz(ic, iat) = mol0%xyz(ic, iat) + step
call chk%copy(chk0)
call self%singlepoint(env, mol, chk, -1, .true., energy, gradient, sigma, egap, res)

dipole = res%dipole
alpha(:, :) = res%alpha

end subroutine hessian_point

end module xtb_type_calculator

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