Tags: fpv-wtf/wtfos
Toggle v0.2.5's commit message
Reverted sdrs_log disable, disabled dji_upgrade, dji_ftpd and made ot…
…her small optimizations instead
Toggle v0.2.4's commit message
Made wtfos-system postinst properly set up our mounts so that subsequ…
…ent package updates don't fail/do bad things.
Toggle v0.2.3's commit message
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:fpv-wtf/wtfos into main
Toggle v0.2.2's commit message
Fixed memory pressure issues under extremely high bitrate DVR situati…
…ons by disabling the unneeded sdrs_log service
Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
Fixed /opt/tmp not being a tmpfs
Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:fpv-wtf/wtfos into main
Toggle v0.1.7-r2's commit message
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:fpv-wtf/wtfos into main
Toggle v0.1.7's commit message
Added /data/wtfos_disable_bind do indicate the bind button is broken …
…and can't be used for safe mode
Toggle v0.1.6's commit message
fixed translation files corruption issues and added fan-control to wt…
…fos meta package
Toggle v0.1.6-r3's commit message
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