Welcome to the GitHub repository of the Framester Working Group. The aim of this repository is to collect, discuss, schedule, monitor and address issues related to the Framester dataset.
Framester is a dataset collecting and linking several linguistic heterogeneous resources.
Issues are classified into:
- Documentation. This class collects all the issues related to documentation. For example, the documentation, such as schema description or query examples, of a specific portion of the dataset is missing.
- Licensing. This class collects all the issues related to licensing problems. For example, it is not clear under which a certain portion of the dataset is distributed.
- Bug. This class collects all the issues collected to bugs. For example, typos, dataset engineering (e.g. a resource has been wrongly transformed and imported), software problems (e.g. dereferencer not working properly)
- Missing links. This class collects all the issues related to internal linking. For example, a Framester resource is supposed to be linked to another but is not.
- Software. This class collects all the issues related to the need of a sofware tools for engineering, linking, validating, debugging and analysing Framester resources.
- General. This class collects the issues related to the discussion of general strategies for structuring Framester (e.g. conventions for minting URIs, provenance information, named graph architecture and metadata).
- Enhancements. This class collects all the requests to integrate new resources.
Besides labelling issues with their class it is required to indicate according to the Framester resource the issue relates to. The reosurces are:
- fschema
- fdata (materilisation of the framester schema)
- adjective-semantics
- conceptnet
- dbpedia-fn-mappings
- dbpedia-wn-mappings
- deepknownet-rdf
- dpv2fn
- emotions
- exuviae
- fn-babelnet-mappings
- fn-mood-mappings
- fn-wn-skos-based-mappings
- fn-yago-mappings
- fn2d0
- fn2pb
- fox
- framenet
- image_schemas
- metanet
- nell2dbpedia
- now
- nowp
- ontowordnet
- polifonia
- preponto
- propbank
- values
- verbnet
- wordnet
The status of the issues can be monitored from the Projects tab.
The current version of the Framester dataset is 4.0.2