This project is a recreation of Apple's WWDC23 landing page using React, Vite, and CSS. It aims to showcase the skills needed in replicating a visually appealing and interactive website. Codebase organized using component-based architecture for maintainability and scalability.
(See Other Screenshots at the bottom)
React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Vite: A fast and opinionated development build tool that focuses on speed and simplicity. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for styling the website. JSX: The Javascript syntax markup language for structuring the website.
Before running this code, make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:
Node.js (v14 or later) NPM (Node Package Manager)
Note: It hasn't been fixed for responsiveness across devices. Best to view on a wide screen.
This project is inspired by Apple's WWDC23 landing page and recreates it for educational purposes only. The original design, branding, and assets are the property of Apple Inc.
Available for gigs, contract roles, etc:
Francis Ihejirika, Fullstack Dev. Email: [email protected] GitHub: francisihe Twitter: @francisihej
Other Screenshots: