- Easy to set up. Minimum markup and essential CSS styles.
- Responsive design.
- Touch-Enabled on mobile device. Swipe left or right for sliding.
- API for customized control
This is not a slideshow plugin so there is no automatic sliding enabled.
To use this plugin, simply add the js file after jQuery library. The HTML markup is like this:
<div class="jslide">
<div class="jslide-control left nomore"></div>
<div class="jslide-control right"></div>
<div class="jslide-outside">
<div class="jslide-container">
<div class="jslide-item"></div>
<div class="jslide-item"></div>
<div class="jslide-item"></div>
The markup element tagname is not relevant to this plugin so you can use ol li section tagname instead. The plugin will swap 'nomore' class when the carousel run into left and right end for better styling and user experience.
After the markup and CSS rules, you can invoke the function:
var jslide=$('.jslide').jSlide()
Options | Type | Explaination | Default Value |
number | number | Number of items to show in single slide | 4 |
time | number | Time of the sliding animation in milliesconds | 600 |
CSSTransition | boolean | Use CSS3 transition to acheive animation | false |
animationType | string | CSS3 transition function | ease-in-out |
onMovingLeft | function | function to invoke when the slide moving left | empty function |
onMovingRight | function | function to invoke when the slide moving right | empty function |
controlLeft | jQuery instance | Customized control in the left | $('.jslide-control.left') |
controlRight | jQuery instance | Customized control in the right | $('.jslide-control.right') |
controlEvent | string | DOM event type for control to invoke | 'click' |
var jslide=$('.jslide').jSlide();
Move the slide into left or right direction. The argument only takes one of the two strings: "left" and "right"
Re-initialize the plugin when dimension of wrapper 'jslide' class is changed, such during an 'resize' or 'oritentationchange' event. So you may consider to
The only necessary CSS style are followed:
.jslide-outside {
.jslide-item {
float: left;
.jslide-container {
width:10000px; /*to keep the layout from broken in case of slow load*/
.jslide-container::after {
content:" ";
display: block;
If you want use built-in control, please add this to the CSS:
.jslide {
.jslide-control {
.jslide-control.left {
.jslide-control.right {
Please place your actual content inside the jslide-item container and set margin/padding accrodingly. Please do not set margin on the item container itself.
The two 'jslide-control' class elements are optional. You can simply remove them from markup if you want to hide the left/right control, as in mobile device you can swipe left and right.
If you want to use your customized controls ,please place them outside of this markup region and use the controlLeft and controlRight options. Both built-in or customized control will have add/remove a class named "nomore" when the carousel hit the left or right end, in order to have better styling.