Just editing READme
Blackbeard Traiting "Clear your ship"
Get rid of stuff around the house booty in return
TRADER object(like author){ trader_id: trader_password: contact_email: }
ITEM/SERVICE object{ name: photos:(not for MVP) estimatedValue: category: trader_id:(taken from TRADER who POSTed ITEM) Trade_requested: [interested people array] on click pushed to traderequested array if(traderequested){ true } else {false}
ITEMs VIEWS page: Get All ITEMs Sort by estimatedValue: (like library app long book short book all book) Sort by Trader: (just like author) -this displays all ITEMs for particular Trader
Click takes fellow TRADER to this.ITEMs page
LOG IN page: -Populates TRADER -ITEMs POST section: set up form -name: -photos? -price -User Id
-Node/Express Web Server -MySQL with Sequelize ORM -GET and POST routes -Deploy to heroku/deploy to jaws DB -new library/technoloy (Vue.js) -Polished UI/Front End -Folder structure MVC -quoting standards
-authentication -use handlebars -using a public dataset -migration strategy? (sharing data across team members/ database) -using sequelize migrations(check out)