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@weierophinney weierophinney tagged this 17 Apr 15:17
Issues fixed in this release:

- 2536: `Zend\Validate` translations out of date
- 2898: `ConstructedNavigationFactory` does not inject components
- 3373: `Collection` in `Form` not binds values when form has no object and hydrator set
- 3534: ZF2 2.0.6 Authentication and postgres database
- 3626: `Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormRow`: labels are appended by default
- 3685: Problem on appending new identifier on `EventManager`
- 3695: Adapter name and sequence problems
- 3719: `Zend\Db\Metadata\Source\AbstractSource` Notice: Undefined index
- 3731: Console banners are all shown consecutively
- 3882: `EventManager` or `Stdlib\CallbackHandler` can't handle `WeakRef` enough.
- 3898: `Zend\Navigation\Service\ConstructedNavigationFactory` not inject
  dependences (router, action and etc)
- 3912: Ajustment `SequenceFeature` generic drivers
- 3934: `Acl` allow role access on all resources not honoured if added after resources
- 3983: Update `BaseInputFilter`
- 4002: Update `DocBlockScanner`
- 4013: Fix PHP Notice in `Translator` class
- 4014: update to `FlashMessenger` view helper to allow for classes on separator
- 4020: Add parent roles with traversable object
- 4026: `Zend\Validator` Test Suite Fix
- 4027: Move deprecation notice inside constructor of `Query` class
- 4035: [Router] non existent child route during assembly doesn't throw exception
- 4037: Remove unnecessary `autoload.php` from composer config.
- 4047: Update `InArray.php`
- 4049: removed unused cache test assets from test suite
- 4051: `writeLine()` with console is (literally) breaking when the string is "too long"?
- 4053: Implement better text domain merging support
- 4054: 2.1.4: `Zend/Stdlib/composer.json` requires  "Zend/Stdlib/compatibility/autoload.php"
- 4055: Fix #4051 `console::writeLine()`
- 4061: Normalize console usage
- 4063: Resolved Issue #2898
- 4064: Fixed issue with invalid `@cover` annotations, pointed to not existed class
- 4066: `HttpControllerTestCase` gives wrong messages for `assertRedirect`/`assertNotRedirect`
- 4070: Hotfix for issue #4069
- 4074: fix typos
- 4075: `Form\Collection`: allow create new objects
- 4077: Fix `Collection` form element replacing bound objects with dummies upon form validation
- 4079: Some fixes for phpDoc in `Zend\Mvc`
- 4084: Introduce query parameter for `Navigation\Page\Mvc`
- 4085: Fix loading of a text domain from different sources, fixes issue #4045
- 4089: Zend\Test - set the request's `requestUri` to the dispatched url
- 4095: `Zend\Navigation\Page\Mvc::getHref` does not use `RouteMatch` parameters
- 4102: simplify constant usage. `FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE` is available since PHP 5.3.0
- 4103: `FormDateTimeSelect` - minutes delimiter always shown
- 4111: Updated translations
- 4117: [InputFilter] Allow specification of error message via `Factory`
- 4118: Fix name of variable used for capturing output when executing shell command
- 4119: Fix weird verbalization
- 4123: Fix#3373
- 4129: Update to `ServiceManager` to provide more precise error messages
- 4133: Fix#4103
- 4134: Zend\Mvc\Router\Console\Simple not compatible with older versions of pcre (and therefore CentOS)
- 4135: Update Czech validator messages
- 4138: Modified Router to use backwards compatible regex expression Issue: 4134
- 4140: When displaying navigations three times last navigation has data of prev...
- 4143: Fixed issue #3626
- 4144: feature / `quoteTrustedValueList`
- 4147: Reset stop-propagation flag when triggering event
- 4148: Filters priority setting when populating filters in inputfilter factory and not losing it when merging filter chains
- 4150: Hotfix - `callable` type introspection for method parameters
- 4152: Fixed some EMail Validation Strings - German
- 4153: [Feed] sync svn r24842 - Fix ZF-4491
- 4154: Catch `LogicException` for Rewind and fix CP errors
- 4157: end autoload classmap generated file with EOL
- 4161: servicemanager is a requirement
- 4164: Fetch model from event parameter
- 4167: `Console` posix adapter `writeLine()` background color bleeding through to the next line.
- 4168: Fix #4167 - Console posix adapter `writeLine()` background color bleeding through to the next line.
- 4171: Fix BC break in 2.1.5dev - Revert to previous `isRequired` behavior for file upload inputs
- 4172: [Form] Remove after Add doesn't restore initial state
- 4180: Radio & Multicheckbox Problem with selected & disabled attributes
- 4182: Issue #3358 - Fix for console router not accepting controller word as part of a route
- 4183: Update `Zend_Validate.php` resource
- 4184: Updated `Page\Mvc::getHref` to grab correct controller name from `routeMatch`
- 4191: `Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods::hydrate()` - support for `__call()` magic method
- 4198: fixed typo in french `Zend_Validator_StringLength`
- 4199:  Issue #4172 - Fixed empty priority queue state
- 4201: Issue #4172 - Added tests for add/remove sequence in `Zend\Form`
- 4203: Allow an instance of `Zend\Stdlib\AbstractOptions` to set configuration properties of the same class
- 4207: Fixed default plural rule.
- 4210: Fixed failure when implementing custom rbac roles
- 4213: [Curl] `setOptions` should merge config items that can be arrays
- 4216: Require `Zend\Config` in `Zend\Mvc`
- 4224: `Mail\Headers.php`: Adjust regex for field name to RFC 5322
- 4225: change variable naming
- 4226: ZF2 ACL full access
- 4227: Updated `Zend_Captcha` and `Zend_Validate` for catalan language
- 4232: Correct tests for group multicheckbox & radio attributes
- 4233: remove mistake doc for `Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request::detectBaseUrl()`
- 4235: fixed `setEventManager`
- 4236: Update `ProvidesEvents.php`
- 4237: Update `ModuleManager.php`
- 4239: Remove annotation in `Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareTrait`
- 4240: A Better fix for #3912
- 4241: `Zend\Db\Metadata` - remove quoting of known scalars, use `quoteTrustedValue()` for provided values
- 4242: fix `Zend\Json` doc and little typo
- 4243: remove `if` `else` for same return
- 4244: remove unused `require_once __DIR__ . '/SplAutoloader.php';`
- 4246: replaced `get_called_class()` with `get_class($this)` in non-static context
Assets 2