#jfgdb - Java File Geodatabase thin driver
FileGeodatabase (GDB) is a very efficient file format for storing GIS Data.
This package provide a java library to use the ESRI FileGeodatabaseAPI (1.4).
More informations on the FileGeodatabase API can be found here : http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/geodatabase/interoperability
This library has been compiled and tested on Windows X64/x86, Linux. Binaries are included for the windows plateform, for ease of use. Compilation on other plateforms are one command line far.
#How To Build the jar and native wrappers
git clone https://github.com/frett27/jfgdb
gradlew build -x test distZip
the result is in build/distributions
#How to use
##Windows : Just put the maven reference to the jfgdb, it will decompress in the tmp the proper DLLS
##Linux reference the jar in the project, Due to dlopen call that don't permit to load related .so library next to the main .so, you will need to place the given native FGDBJNIWrapper library, and FileGeodatabase API DLLs in the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for linux)