This is an attempt at creating a complete library for the QRadar API with error checks before the user makes mistakes. The main issue with the normal API is the folder structure used.
QRadar example repository without the library
Installation is made public in pypi and easy_install.
pip install pyqradar
easy_install install pyqradar
The project is a simple wrapper to remove the need for handling via Requests. Below is a test to see if you have admin rights where it checks for system/servers.
>>> import qradar
>>> qradar = qradar.QRadar('HOSTNAME', 'SECtoken')
>>> qradar.login()
'Admin priviliges available.'
Further documentation will be made available as it gets tested more.
- Failure in error handling - KeyError 'message' line 58
- (DONE) - Make it available in easy_install/pip
- (DONE) - Make import easier without "from qradar import pyQRadar" (init file)
- (DONE) - Set default headers, to make it uneccessary in get/post etc.
- (Started) - Create examples for how to use it.
- Create multiple error checks, especially for destructive constructs like DELETE and PUT.
- Return json objects instead of plain data.
- Further testing of all request types.
- Have further header information checks.
- Add logging
- (DONE) - Add timeouts - Default set to 10
- Make it work for python 3 - It might actually work already if built from source.
- Add a changelog for versions