based on CIS 2.0.0
Ability to audit a system using a lightweight binary to check the current state.
This is:
- very small 11MB
- lightweight
- self contained
It works using a set of configuration files and directories to audit STIG of RHEL/CentOS 7 servers. These files/directories correlate to the STIG Level and STIG_ID
Tested on
- CentOS8
- Rocky8
- Alma-Linux 8
On our Discord Server to ask questions, discuss features, or just chat with other Ansible-Lockdown users
You must have goss available to your host you would like to test.
You must have sudo/root access to the system as some commands require privilege information.
Assuming you have already clone this repository you can run goss from where you wish.
Please refer to the audit documentation for usage.
This also works alongside the Ansible Lockdown RHEL8-CIS role
Which will:
- install
- audit
- remediate
- audit
These are found in vars/STIG.yml Please refer to the file for all options and their meanings
STIG listed variable for every control/benchmark can be turned on/off or section
In this case installed or skipped using the standard name for a package to be installed or _skip to skip a test.
Some sections can have several options in that case the skip flag maybe passed to the test or exact details relating to your requirements e.g.
- rhel7stig_use_gui
- rhel7stig_is_router
- rhel7_stig_nameservers:
- full check
# {{path to your goss binary}} --vars {{ path to the vars file }} -g {{path to your clone of this repo }}/goss.yml v
- example:
# /usr/local/bin/goss --vars ../vars/stig.yml -g /home/bolly/rh7_cis_goss/goss.yml validate
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-040641 | Must ignore Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) redirect messages from being accepted.
KernelParam: net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects: value:
<string>: 1
to equal
<string>: 0
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-021000 | Must prevent files with the setuid and setgid bit set from being executed on file systems that are used with removable media.
Mount: /mnt: exists:
<bool>: false
to equal
<bool>: true
< ---------cut ------- >
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-010280 | Must be configured so that passwords are a minimum of 15 characters in length.
File: /etc/security/pwquality.conf: contains: patterns not found: [/^minlen = 15/]
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-040500 | Must for networked systems, synchronize clocks with a server that is synchronized to one of the redundant United States Naval Observatory (USNO) time servers, a time server designated for the appropriate DoD network (NIPRNet/SIPRNet), and/or the Global Positioning System (GPS).
File: /etc/chrony.conf: contains: patterns not found: [/^server.*maxpoll 10/]
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-010310 | Must disable account identifiers (individuals, groups, roles, and devices) if the password expires.
File: /etc/default/useradd: contains: patterns not found: [/^INACTIVE=0/]
Total Duration: 31.127s
Count: 308, Failed: 162, Skipped: 21
- running a particular section of tests
# /usr/local/bin/goss -g /home/bolly/rh7_cis_goss/section_1/cis_1.1/cis_1.1.22.yml validate
Total Duration: 0.033s
Count: 12, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0
- changing the output
# /usr/local/bin/goss -g /home/bolly/rh7_stig_goss/Cat_2/RHEL-07-010030.yml validate -f documentation
goss -g Cat_2/RHEL-07-020240.yml --vars vars/stig.yml v -f documentation
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-020240 | Must define default permissions for all authenticated users in such a way that the user can only read and modify their own files.
File: /etc/login.defs: exists: matches expectation: [true]
File: /etc/login.defs: mode: matches expectation: ["0644"]
File: /etc/login.defs: contains: patterns not found: [/^UMASK 077]
Title: CAT_2 | RHEL-07-020240 | Must define default permissions for all authenticated users in such a way that the user can only read and modify their own files.
File: /etc/login.defs: contains: patterns not found: [/^UMASK 077]
Total Duration: 0.000s
Count: 3, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0