The goal of this project is to provide a tool for creating projects and namespaces in Rancher then assigns a namespace to a project.
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/rancher-projects
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rancher-projects
wget -O rancher-projects
chmod +x rancher-projects
sudo mv rancher-projects /usr/local/bin/
bash \
--rancher-server "https://rancher.mattox.local" \
--rancher-access-key "token-abcde" \
--rancher-secret-key "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
--cluster-name "MyCluster" \
--project-name "MyProject" \
--namespace "mynamespace" \
--create-project true \
--create-namespace true \
--create-kubeconfig true \
--kubeconfig "rancher-projects-kubeconfig"
sets the Rancher Server. Note: This should include https://
sets the Rancher Access Key. Note: This account should have permissions to list clusters, get/list/create/update projects and namespace.
sets the Rancher Secret Key.
sets the cluster name in which the project will be created.
sets the project name to be created and/or assigned.
sets the namespace name to be created and/or assigned.
sets whether to create the project. (Optional) If project does not exist, it will be created.
sets whether to create the namespace. (Optional) If namespace does not exist, it will be created.
sets whether to create a kubeconfig file. (Optional) If kubeconfig file does not exist, it will be created.
sets the path to the kubeconfig file. (Optional) Default is rancher-projects-kubeconfig.
sets whether to filter the cluster list by type. (Optional) Example: rke, rke2, k3s, eks
sets whether to filter the cluster list by labels. (Optional) Example: rke2-upgrade=true,maintenance=true
prints this help message.
rancher-projects --rancher-server "https://rancher.mattox.local" --rancher-access-key "token-abcde" --rancher-secret-key "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" --cluster-name a0-rke2-devops --project-name "ClusterServices" --namespace "monitoring" --create-project true --create-namespace true
Verifying tools...
Verifying access to Rancher server...
Successfully authenticated to https://rancher.mattox.local
Verifying cluster a0-rke2-devops...
Successfully found cluster a0-rke2-devops
Getting cluster id...
Cluster id: c-m-9ldt7ts5
Successfully got cluster id
Checking if project ClusterServices exists...
Project ClusterServices already exists
Getting project info...
Project id: c-m-9ldt7ts5:p-bn9h5
Checking if namespace monitoring exists...
Namespace monitoring already exists
Assigning namespace monitoring to project ClusterServices...
Collecting namespace details...
Project long: c-m-9ldt7ts5:p-bn9h5
Project short: p-bn9h5
Updating namespace...
Successfully assigned namespace monitoring to project ClusterServices
Generating kubeconfig...
Kubeconfig: rancher-projects-kubeconfig