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List of French words, partial POS-tagging and relative frequency


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This is a list of French words with partial POS-tagging and relative frequencies.


The list is based on several sources, including most notably:

  • the Debian package wfrench: a high quality plain list of words
  • Lexique 3.83: a high quality list of words with POS-tagging and relative frequencies of word ; all the words have been included, some minor corrections were made
  • DELA dictionary from the University of Marne-la-Vallée: a high quality list of words with POS-tagging, more comprehensive than the previous one especially for conjugated forms of verbs ; POS tags were merged with the previous list according to the following algorithm:
    • map DELA tags to tags
    • if only one of the two lists had a POS-tag for a word, use this POS-tag for the merged list
    • if both lists had a POS-tag for a word, manually select the appropriate POS-tag
  • this word list on Github: a good quality plain list of words, a bit more comprehensive than the one from the Debian package
  • this other word list on Github: various-quality lists of words with POS-tagging ; only words not in the previous lists were added ; one file has a medium-quality plain list of words which was manually merged with the global list
  • Google Ngrams: a poor-quality list of words with automatic POS-tagging and relative frequencies of word ; this list has been made up with automatic OCR and POS-tagging ; it is really comprehensive but the quality was so bad that only the relative frequencies were used for words already in the merged list, no new words were used from this list

Some manual work was carried out to clean the resulting lists.

Structure of the file

The list of words is in a tab-separated file with the following fields:

  • word
  • POS-tagging, using the nomenclature
  • associated lemma
  • frequency according to (measured in number of occurrences per million of words)
  • frequency according to Google Ngrams (measured in number of occurrences per million of words)

POS tags

The following tags are used:

Tag Signification Number of entries Most common entries
Unknown 727
ADJ Adjective 77660 même, autre, petit
ADJ:dem Demonstrative adjective 4 cette, ces
ADJ:ind Undefined adjective (determiner) 37 quelques, quelque, chaque, tout, plusieurs
ADJ:int Interrogative adjective 4 quelle
ADJ:num Numeral adjective 139 deux, trois, quatre, cinq, dix
ADJ:pos Possessive adjective 32 son, sa, ses, mon, ma
ADV Adverb 3752 pas, ne, n', plus, bien
ART Indeterminate article 1
ART:def Definite article 9 la, le, les, l', du
ART:ind Indefinite article 4 un
AUX Auxiliary 1 n'
CON Indeterminate conjunction 7 puis, comment, soit, néanmoins, cependant
CON:c Coordinating conjunction 10 et, mais, ou, ni, car
CON:s Subordinating conjunction 26 comme, quand, si, s', parce que
NOM Noun 164538 temps, fois, peu, yeux, tête
ONO Onomatopoeia or interjection 302 ah, oh, eh, bon, hein
PRE Preposition 100 de, à, d', en, dans
PRO Indeterminate pronoun 31
PRO:dem Demonstrative pronoun 17 ce
PRO:ind Undefined pronoun 43 rien, tout
PRO:int Interrogative pronoun 6 duquel, auxquels, desquels, desquelles
PRO:per Personal pronoun 50 il, je, elle
PRO:pos Possessive pronoun 23 mienne, sienne, mien, sien, siens
PRO:rel Relative pronoun 17 qui, que, où, dont, quoi 
VER Verb 485076 est, était, dit, faire, avait


  • 732.616 entries
  • 691.969 words (some may have more than one associated POS-tag hence the multiple entries)
  • 619.310 words have a lemma associated to them
  • 225.403 words have at least one data about their relative frequency (either from or Google Ngrams)

Fun facts (and some playing with shell scripting)

This is what we can do with some regular expressions and shell scripting!

  • The longest word is « parabutoxyphénylacéthydroxamiques » with 33 letters, which is an adjective by the way :-). The longest noun is « œsogastroduodénofibroscopies » with 28 letters. The longest verb is « déconstitutionnaliseraient » with 26 letters.
  • If we exclude technical (chemical or medical) words, the longest words are « interdépartementalisations », « déconstitutionnaliseraient », « déconstitutionnalisassions », « déconstitutionnalisassions », « désinstitutionnaliseraient » and « désinstitutionnalisassions » with 26 letters.
awk  $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 1 # Longest word
grep -v -E "'|-" french.txt | awk  $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{if ($2=="NOM") print $1,length($1)}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 30 # Longest noun
grep -v -E "'|-" french.txt | awk  $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{if ($2=="VER") print $1,length($1)}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 30 # Longest verb
  • The former is also the word with the most vowels and the most consonants, with 15 vowels and 18 consonants.
cut -f 1 french.txt | sed -e "s/A\|E\|I\|O\|U\|Y\|a\|e\|i\|o\|u\|y\|é\|ê\|è\|ë\|â\|à\|ä\|û\|ü\|î\|ï//g" | awk $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | paste - french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 1 # Most consonants
cut -f 1 french.txt | sed -e "s/B\|C\|D\|F\|G\|H\|J\|K\|L\|M\|N\|P\|Q\|R\|S\|T\|V\|W\|X\|Z\|b\|c\|ç\|d\|f\|g\|h\|j\|k\|l\|m\|n\|p\|q\|r\|s\|t\|v\|w\|x\|y\|z//g" | awk $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | paste - french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 1 # Most vowels
  • The former is also the word with the greatest number of different letters. It has 20 different letters (or 19 if we consider 'é' and 'e' to be the same letter).
cut -f 1 french.txt | sed -n -e ':a;s/\(.\)\(.*\)\1/\1\2/g;t a;p' french.txt | awk $'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | paste - french.txt | cut -f 2,3 | sort -t $'\t' -k1 -n -r | head -n 1
  • 2033 words contain each of the vowels a, e, i, o, u and y. One of the shortest ones is « rougeoyai ».
cut -f 1 french.txt | grep -E 'a|â|à' | grep -E 'e|é|è|ê|ë' | grep -E 'i|î|ï' | grep -E 'o|ô|ö' | grep -E 'u|û|ü|ù' | grep 'y' | wc -l # Count the number of words
cut -f 1 french.txt | grep -E 'a|â|à' | grep -E 'e|é|è|ê|ë' | grep -E 'i|î|ï' | grep -E 'o|ô|ö' | grep -E 'u|û|ü|ù' | grep 'y' | awk $'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n | head -n 20 # List shortest words
  • There are 35 strict palindroms (with respect to the accents) or 52 loose palindroms (accented versions of characters are considered the same as the original character) with 5 letters or more, the longest of which are « essayasse » and « ressasser ».
awk -F $'\t' '{x="";for (i=length($1);i!=0;i--) x=(x substr($1,i,1));if (length($1)>=5 && x==$1) print $1}' french.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l # Strict version
cut -f 1 french.txt | sort | uniq | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT | awk -F $'\t' '{x="";for (i=length($1);i!=0;i--) x=(x substr($1,i,1));if (length($1)>=5 && x==$1) print $1}' | wc -l # Loose version
awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{x="";for (i=length($1);i!=0;i--) x=(x substr($1,i,1));if (length($1)>=5 && x==$1) print $1,length($1)}' french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head -n 3
  • The word « hérédodégénérescence » is the one with one letter repeated most often. There are 8 e in this word. If we take the accents into account, the record is held by several words with 7 s, like « assassinasses », « ressassasses », « saussuritisasses », « désassaisonnasses »...
awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{delete a;for (i=1;i<=length($1);i++) a[substr($1,i,1)]++;asort(a,b,"@val_num_desc");print $1,b[1]}' french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head # Strict version (accents taken into account)
cut -f 1 french.txt | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{delete a;for (i=1;i<=length($1);i++) a[substr($1,i,1)]++;asort(a,b,"@val_num_desc");print $1,b[1]}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head # Loose version (accented characters are the same as corresponding non-accented characters)
  • 7 words of 14 letters are made of only different letters : « ancylotheriums », « cryptogamiques », « cylindromateux », « gymnoblastique », « hydnocarpiques », « stylographique », and « xylographiques ». If we consider that an accented version of the letter is a different letter than the original version, the word « hydromagnétiques » has 16 different letters.
cut -f 1 french.txt | grep -v -E '(.).*\1'  | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head # Strict version
cut -f 1 french.txt | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT | grep -v -E '(.).*\1' | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{print $1,length($1)}' | sort -t $'\t' -k2 -n -r | head # Loose version
  • The most frequently-used words are in this order: « de », « la », « et », « à », « le », « il », « les », « un », « l' », « d' ».
sort -t $'\t' -k4 -n -r french.txt | head
  • The most frequently-used nouns are in this order: « temps », « fois », « yeux », « tête », « homme », « vie », « jour », « main », « mère », « monde », « père », « chose », « femme ».
grep NOM french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k4 -n -r | head
  • The most frequently-used adjectives are in this order: « même », « autre », « petit », « grand », « petite », « seul », « jeune », « bon », « sûr », « seule », « vrai », « première », « bonne », « vieux », « beau ».
grep ADJ french.txt | sort -t $'\t' -k4 -n -r | head
  • If we exclude technical (chemical or medical) words, the word which is worth the greatest amount of points at Scrabble (by summing up the values of its letters, and checking if no letter is used more than the number of its tokens in the game) is « déshypothéqueriez » with 50 points. If we limit ourselves to words with 7 letters or less, the record is held by « whiskys » with 37 points. The words with the greatest ratio of points per number of letters are « yak », « wok », « wax » and « kyu ».
import fileinput
import unidecode

scr={ 'a':[1,9], 'b':[3,2], 'c':[3,2], 'd':[2,3], 'e':[1,15], 'f':[4,2], 'g':[2,2], 'h':[4,2], 'i':[1,8], 'j':[8,1], 'k':[10,1], 'l':[1,5], 'm':[2,3], 'n':[1,6], 'o':[1,6], 'p':[3,2], 'q':[8,1], 'r':[1,6], 's':[1,6], 't':[1,6], 'u':[1,6], 'v':[4,2], 'w':[10,1], 'x':[10,1], 'y':[10,1], 'z':[10,1] }
for line in fileinput.input():
    for c in letters:
        if c not in scr or len(list(filter(lambda it:it==c,word)))>scr[c][1]:
    if ok:
        dic.append([word,sum(map(lambda it:scr.get(it,[0])[0],word))])
dic.sort(key=lambda it:it[1],reverse=True)
for l in dic:


List of French words, partial POS-tagging and relative frequency







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