WLED Public
Forked from Aircoookie/WLEDControl WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2021 -
CarPiHat Public
Forked from gecko242/CarPiHatA place to store files and info about the CarPiHat - Raspberry Pi Car Interface PCB
UpdatedSep 2, 2021 -
teslamate Public
Forked from teslamate-org/teslamateA self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘
Elixir MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2021 -
TouchSelfie Public
Forked from wyolum/TouchSelfieOpen Source Photobooth based on the official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen
Python UpdatedOct 18, 2020 -
esp8266_spa Public
Forked from cribskip/esp8266_spaControl for a Balboa BP2100G0 spa controller using the esp8266
C++ UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
TeslaCamPi Public
Use your Raspberry Pi as a TeslaCam USB drive and upload your snapshots to DropBox on the fly
teslausb Public
Forked from cimryan/teslausbSteps and scripts for turning a Raspberry Pi into a useful USB drive for a Tesla
Shell MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2019 -
piscales Public
use a RaspberryPi and a wiifit board to easily post your daily weight to fitbit via IFTTT
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2018 -
pushbullet.py Public
Forked from richard-better/pushbullet.pyA python client for http://pushbullet.com
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 5, 2016 -
GaragePi Public
Garage Door Control using a Raspberry Pi - control from Alexa Echo, Amazon Dash, webpage and some output logging with IFTTT and initialstate.com
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 3, 2016 -
VSControl Public
Forked from mccollam/VSControlSerial control for ViewSonic video projector
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 12, 2015 -
ChargePoint-Scraper Public
Forked from nicholasrobinson/ChargePoint-ScraperChargePoint Station Occupancy Scraper with Boxcar and OS X Notification Center support
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2015 -
flubber-hauto Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/flubber-hauto
Python UpdatedMar 14, 2015 -