This is the source code for the website, a StarCraft II site.
- Postgresql and libpq
- Python 3
- Python libs (requirements.txt)
- Boost
- JsonCpp
- GNU Make
- Nodejs
- Javascript libs (package.json)
For a complete and up to date list of dependecies and example on install steps on Ubuntu 18.04 see .travis.yml.
Install Postgresql, libpq, python3, boost, gcc, libjsoncpp and make, see also .travis.yml.
Then install python and javascript libs:
make init
Then compile:
make build -j
Create postgres user that is allowed to create db (needed for tests):
sudo -u postgres createuser $USER
sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user $USER with createdb;"
Then to run tests:
make test
First build the system, see above.
Then create databsae:
sudo -u postgres createdb rankedftw
make migrate-db
To run the development http server on localhost:8000
, the ladder
server (./lib/server
) and webpack watch:
make run
A few things will work (not crash) without data but most things wont.
If you get this far and want a sample db from the real world please contact me here or at [email protected].