+-------------+-------------+ ymax
| | |
| x: 0 | x: 1 |
| y: 0 | y: 0 |
| z: 1 | z: 1 |
| | |
| | |
| x: 0 | x: 1 |
| y: 1 | y: 1 |
| z: 1 | z: 1 |
| | |
+-------------+-------------+ ymin
xmin xmax
Construct and use map tile grids (a.k.a TileMatrixSet / TMS).
Documentation: https://developmentseed.org/morecantile/
Source Code: https://github.com/developmentseed/morecantile
Morecantile is like mercantile (the best tool to work with Web Mercator tile indexes), but with support for other TileMatrixSet grids.
Morecantile follows the OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set specification found in http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-083r2/17-083r2.html
Note: Variable matrix width tile set are not supported.
$ python -m pip install -U pip
$ python -m pip install morecantile
# Or install from source:
$ python -m pip install -U pip
$ python -m pip install git+https://github.com/developmentseed/morecantile.git
- CanadianNAD83_LCC: Lambert conformal conic NAD83 for Canada - EPSG:3978
- EuropeanETRS89_LAEAQuad: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe - EPGS:3035
- LINZAntarticaMapTilegrid: LINZ Antarctic Map Tile Grid (Ross Sea Region) - EPSG:5482
- NZTM2000: LINZ NZTM2000 Map Tile Grid - EPSG:2193
- NZTM2000Quad: LINZ NZTM2000 Map Tile Grid - EPSG:2193
- UPSAntarcticWGS84Quad: Universal Polar Stereographic WGS 84 Quad for Antarctic - EPSG:5042
- UPSArcticWGS84Quad: Universal Polar Stereographic WGS 84 Quad for Arctic - EPSG:5041
- UTM31WGS84Quad: Example of UTM grid - EPSG:32631
- WebMercatorQuad: Spherical Mercator - EPGS:3857 (default grid for Web Mercator based maps)
- WGS1984Quad: EPSG:4326 for the World - EPGS:4326 (WGS84)
- WorldCRS84Quad: CRS84 for the World
- WorldMercatorWGS84Quad: Elliptical Mercator projection - EPGS:3395
ref: http://schemas.opengis.net/tms/1.0/json/examples/
- rio-tiler: Create tile from raster using Morecantile TMS.
- timvt: A lightweight PostGIS based dynamic vector tile server.
- planetcantile: Tile matrix sets for other planets.
Created by Development Seed