National University of Singapore
- Singapore
The Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process for Alignment of Event Camera Data
Pose estimation and Augmented Reality
Experimental code to read/write NumPy .NPY files in MATLAB
A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc.
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
Acceptance rates for the major AI conferences
A spiking graph neural network for event-based learning
Notebooks about Bayesian methods for machine learning
PyTorch implementation of Pointnet2/Pointnet++
automatic video description generation with GPU training
fuqianggu / GAT
Forked from PetarV-/GATGraph Attention Networks (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10903)
Penn Haptics team's repository for BOLT related work
Dataset for our paper "Towards Effective Tactile Identification of Textures using a Hybrid Touch Approach" (ICRA 2019)
Implementation of some deep learning algorithms.
Autoencoders in Keras
Use a LSTM network to predict human activities from sensor signals collected from a smartphone
Collection of generative models in Tensorflow
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientists and Engineers
Set of python modules that extends Aaron Spike's inkex.py module, adding methods and classes to help the development of new extensions for inkscape.