Unofficial Pocket Casts API written in Python 3.
$ pip install pocketcasts-api
or clone repo and install from source
$ python install
>>> import pocketcasts
>>> pocket = pocketcasts.Pocketcasts('[email protected]', password='password')
- pocket. get_top_charts()
- pocket. get_featured()
- pocket. get_trending()
- pocket. get_episode(podcast, episode_uuid)
- pocket. get_podcast(uuid)
- pocket. get_podcast_episodes(podcast, sort)
- pocket. get_episode_notes(episode_uuid)
- pocket. get_subscribed_podcasts()
- pocket. get_new_releases()
- pocket. get_in_progress()
- pocket. get_starred()
- pocket. update_starred(podcast, episode, starred)
- pocket. update_playing_status(podcast, episode, status)
- pocket. update_played_position(podcast, episode, position)
- pocket. subscribe_podcast(podcast)
- pocket. unsubscribe_podcast(podcast)
- pocket. search_podcasts(search_str)
Returns the top charts currently on the pocketcasts website, as a list of Podcast classes
>>> pocket = pocketcasts.Pocketcasts('[email protected]')
>>> print(pocket.get_top_charts())
[<class 'pocketcasts.podcast.Podcast'> (
{'_media_type': 'Audio',
'_uuid': '3782b780-0bc5-012e-fb02-00163e1b201c',
'_description': '...',
'_episodes_sort_order': 3,
'_url': '',
'_thumbnail_small': '',
'_thumbnail_url': '...',
'_author': 'This American Life',
'_id': '',
'_language': 'en',
'_api': <pocketcasts.api.Pocketcasts object at 0x0000016F0E6E6390>,
'_title': 'This American Life',
'_categories': ['Society & Culture', 'Arts']}
), ...
Returns the featured podcasts currently on the pocketcasts website, as a list of Podcast classes
>>> pocket = pocketcasts.Pocketcasts('[email protected]')
>>> print(pocket.get_featured())
[<class 'pocketcasts.podcast.Podcast'>, ...]
Returns the trending podcasts currently on the pocketcasts website, as a list of Podcast classes
>>> pocket = pocketcasts.Pocketcasts('[email protected]')
>>> print(pocket.get_trending())
[<class 'pocketcasts.podcast.Podcast'>, ...]