LarkMidTable 是一站式开源的数据中台,实现中台的 基础建设,数据治理,数据开发,监控告警,数据服务,数据的可视化,实现高效赋能数据前台并提供数据服务的产品。
The Apache Flink SQL Cookbook is a curated collection of examples, patterns, and use cases of Apache Flink SQL. Many of the recipes are completely self-contained and can be run in Ververica Platfor…
The Lineage Analysis system for FlinkSQL supports advanced syntax such as Watermark, UDTF, CEP, Windowing TVFs, and CTAS.
基于开源的flink,对其实时sql进行扩展;主要实现了流与维表的join,支持原生flink SQL所有的语法
Upserts, Deletes And Incremental Processing on Big Data.
✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.