A server for collecting, processing, and displaying crash reports from clients using the Breakpad libraries
This is a very Mozilla-specific product. We do not currently have the capacity to support external users. If you are looking to use Socorro for your product, maybe you want to consider alternatives like electron/mini-breakpad-server?
All documentation about installing Socorro is available on readthedocs: socorro.readthedocs.io
We use continuous development, so we release quite often. See our list of releases:
We have a mailing list for Socorro users that you can join here: https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/tools-socorro
Devs hang out in the Socorro/Breakpad IRC channel: irc://irc.mozilla.org/breakpad
Current deployment status: https://whatsdeployed.io/s-7M7
Infrastructure (AWS) code: https://github.com/mozilla/socorro-infra