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This README document steps necessary to get the application up and running.

Run with Vagrant

You need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Then run vagrant up. It will take a good time the first time.

After virtual machine(VM) is running run vagrant ssh to connect to it.

Then install dependencies, setup database and run Rails server with:

cd /vagrant
rake db:setup
rails s -b

On another terminal run vagrant ssh and run Redis inside VM with:


On another terminal run vagrant ssh and run Sidekiq inside VM with:

cd /vagrant

Deployment instructions

  1. Create a Heroku application with heroku create name_of_your_app

  2. From Heroku web interface you can configure these add ons:

    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
  3. Create a Twitter application at

  4. There is file config/application.yml.sample you can copy to config/application.yml. With 4 fields you get from Twitter application.

  5. To set ENV variables use figaro heroku:set -e production. Variables are set at config/application.yml.

    More about figaro at

  6. git push heroku master to upload code to Heroku.