This Project is like Shadertoy. Play around with shaders
- Build the project
- Open the Program
- Type you Shadercode in Texteditor
- Press Edit>Run
- this is a part of another app (CAD) which is not ready for git
- i implemented this for playing around with SDF's and using it for the bigger project
- there might be some code overhang due to this
- Renderer does the Render/OpenGL stuff
- in SDF.hpp/SDF.cpp we create the Shader and a simple rect to draw the screen
- Gui Folder contains the simple Gui
Following dependcies: - doxygen - imgui + imgui-spectrum-style - GLFW + GLEW - GLEQ - GLM - STB - boost::cirular_buffer 1.82
- this project has a premake5.lua file. I use clang 15.0.4 (with msys2 on windows) ''' premake5 gmake2 make '''
This projects uses MIT LICENSE.