(aka. Pololu Maestro Control for Arduino)
###Description: This is a library I wrote that is used to control a Pololu Maestro via an Arduino using the Software Serial (Arduino) Library.
###Currently the following methods are supported:
- setTarget: sets the position of the servo
- setServoSpeed: sets the speed the servo moves at
- goHome: moves all servos connected to a device to their home position
- getPosition: returns the current position of a servo
- getErrors: returns information regarding the error state of servos (I have not tested this one yet).
The implemented methods are based off the Pololu protocol (see: http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J40/all#5.e).
For more information on Software Serial see: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial
I wrote this library specifically to use with my Arduino Uno and Pololu Micro Maestro and all testing was done with this combination in mind but it *should* work with other combinations as well.
I did not include all of the methods (I only needed a few), however, if people would like others added or would like to add to this code themselves I’m happy to support this.
###Getting Started: There is a sample piece of code (PMCtrl.ino) in the examples folder that demonstrates how this library is intended to be used. Full documentation of the methods can be found in the PMCtrl.cpp file.
###Change Log:
- 2014-11-02 - fixed the structure of the example code to match the Arduino standard. Code suggestions were kindly made by Adriano @ Adrirobot http://it.emcelettronica.com/author/adrirobot/
- 2014-11-02 - addressed a problem with the getPosition call, which previously required 2 calls in order to return a result. This is believed to be be due to latency.
###Bugs/Issues: I have not yet tested the getErrors method.