Web3 Layer of the Digil Project
Website: digil.co.in
A Digil is a Digital Sigil. So what is a Sigil?
A sigil is a type of symbol used in magic. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.?
Symbol: DIGIL
Contract Address: 0xa4101FEDAd52A85FeE0C85BcFcAB972fb7Cc7c0e
Symbol: DiGiL
Contract Address: 0xf16Bd22EB4C1463575D929F98250e4fff8E8D6a2
This contract is unaffected by the StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination
Solidity bug introduced in compiler version 0.8.13, as it doesn’t contain any inline assembly block with return(...)
statements that use a storasge write.
This contract is unaffected by the AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup
Solidity bug introduced in compiler version 0.5.8, as there are no conditions in which it should need to perform ABI-encoding of a statically-sized calldata arrays as the last component of a tuple.
Coin Rate: The maximum number of bonus Coins distributed on withdrawal, and the rate used to determine the cost of certain Actions (Opt-Out; Linking Tokens; Overwriting a Token's URI).
Minimum Incremental Value: The minimum value that can be used to Charge a Payable Token. Is also used to determine the cost of certain Actions (Opt-Out; Restricting, Discharging, or Destroying a Token; Overwriting a Token's URI).
Transfer Value: A fraction of the Minimum Incremental Value that will be used to calculate value distributions.
Charge: The value in Coins used to Charge the Token
Active Charge: Charge that was generated by Activation, or transferred to this Token from a Linked Token
Activation Threshold: The number of Coins required before a Token can be Activated
Value: The value in eth above and beyond the Incremental Charge Value that is associated with this Token
Incremental Value: The value in eth required in tandem with each Coin to Charge the Token (can be zero)
Incremental Charge Value: The value in eth derived from the number of Coins used to Charge the Token, and its Incremental Value
Links: A collection of Tokens that this Token Links to
Contributions: Addresses that contribute to the Token's Charge are tracked, so that any contributions can be returned when a Token is Destroyed or Discharged, or when a Token's Value is being distributed after the Token has been Activated
Planes are special Tokens that can be linked to at Token Creation.
Void1, Karma2, Kaos3
Elemental Planes: Fire4, Air5, Earth6, Water7
Paraelemental Planes: Ice8, Lightning9, Metal10, Nature11
Harmony12, Discord13, Entropy14, Negentropy/Exergy15, Magick16
Aether17, World18
When Creating a Token, you specify its Incremental Value, Activation Threshold, whether or not the Token Contributions should be restricted to those on a whitelist, the Plane to link it to (if any), and the Data to store with the Token. Any eth sent at Token creation will be stored as the Token's Value. A Token's Incremental Value, Activation Threshold, and Restricted State can be Updated after creation, however, its Data cannot.
Digil Coins can be used to Charge a Token. If a Token has an Incremental Value, that value must also be sent for each Coin that is used to Charge the Token. Any additional eth sent beyond that which is required by the Incremental Charge Value, will be added to the Token's Value.
When a Token is Discharged that has not yet been Activated, any Contributions will be redistributed to their Contributors, with the Token's Value being distributed to its owner regardless of its source. When an Active Token is Discharged, the sum of Token's Incremental Charge Value will be distributed to the Token's owner, while the Token's Value will be divided amongst the Token's Contributors. Destroying a Token will first Discharge it before Burning it, making it inaccessible.
Tokens can be Linked and Unlinked from one another in order to facilitate the generation or transferring of Coins on Charge or Activation. This allows one to Charge multiple Tokens at once. Links have an Efficiency that determines the number of Coins generated when the Link is executed.
Once a Token has a Charge that is greater than or equal to its Activation Threshold, it can be Activated. Activating the Token distributes its Value to those who have Contributed, and distributes its Charge Value to the owner of the Token. Once a Token has been Activated, it can be Deactivated
Tokens have the ability to be restricted. Addresses must be added to a Restricted Token's whitelist before they can Contribute to (Charge), or Link to a Token. Once an address has been added to a Token's whitelist, it cannot be removed. An address is automatically added to a Token's whitelist upon successful transfer to said address. A token can be restricted at creation, or its restricted state can be set at any time by the Token's owner.
Because restricting a Token limits who can Contribute to it, it also limits who can receive a portion of the Token's Value when it is Activated.
ERC721 Tokens (NFTs), can be sent to this contract and will be Linked to a newly created Digil Token. The Digil Token that is created has an initial Incremental Value equal to the Minimum Incremental Value, or, if the Token sent itself is a Digil Token, the greater of either the Minimum Incremental Value or the Digil Token's Incremental Value. The ERC721 Token can then be Recalled (sent to the current Digil Token owner), but only after the new Digil Token has been either Activated or Destroyed.
When a Token is Activated, Destroyed, Discharged, or an Active Token is Charged, it has the potential to generate value in the form of eth and or Coins. This value is stored as a Pending Distribution which can then be withdrawn.
In addition to Pending Distributions, a bonus Coin is available every 15 minutes (up to the maximum as set by the Coin Rate), for those who already hold Coins, Tokens, or have any pending eth distributions.
There are two ways an address can be blacklisted. The first is if the contract admin adds the address to the blacklist. The second is if the address opts-out of the contract. In both cases, being placed on the blacklist blocks withdrawals, and prevents Tokens from being transferred to or from the address. Those on the blacklist are also prevented from Creating, Charging, Destroying, Discharging, Activating, Deactivating, Linking, and Unlinking Tokens.
An address can only be removed from the blacklist by being whitelisted by the contract admin.