C library for handling Mobipocket/Kindle (MOBI) ebook format documents. Current version supports reading and parsing functions.
There is a simple program included in the project: mobitool.c. It may serve as an example how to use the library.
- reading and parsing:
- some older text Palmdoc formats (pdb),
- Mobipocket files (prc, mobi),
- newer MOBI files including KF8 format (azw, azw3),
- Replica Print files (azw4)
- recreating source files using indices
- reconstructing references (links and embedded) in html files
- reconstructing source structure that can be fed back to kindlegen
- reconstructing dictionary markup (orth, infl tags)
- handling encrypted documents
- writing MOBI documents
- process RESC records
- exporting to EPUB documents
- functions,
- structures for the raw, unparsed records metadata and data,
- structures for the parsed records metadata and data,
- enums
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
- single include file:
#include <mobi.h>
- linker flag:
- compiler supporting C99
- zlib (optional, configure --with-zlib=no to use included miniz.c instead)
- libxml2 (optional, enables OPF handling, configure --with-libxml2=no to disable)
- tested with gcc (>=4.2.4), clang (llvm >=3.4), sun c (>=5.13)
- builds on Linux, MacOS X, Windows (MinGW), Solaris
- tested architectures: x86, x86-64, arm, ppc
- works cross-compiled on Kindle :)
- LGPL, either version 3, or any later
The huffman decompression and KF8 parsing algorithms were learned by studying python source code of KindleUnpack distributed with following license:
Based on initial mobipocket version Copyright © 2009 Charles M. Hannum Extensive Extensions and Improvements Copyright © 2009-2014 By P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding, tkeo. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
Thanks to all contributors of Mobileread MOBI wiki