[ICLR 2024] COLLIE: Systematic Construction of Constrained Text Generation Tasks
Get language models to generate responses in a specific format reliably. Open source implementation of Synchromesh: Reliable code generation from pre-trained language models.
Probabilistic programming with HuggingFace language models
A domain-specific probabilistic programming language for modeling and inference with language models
gabegrand / stitch_bindings
Forked from mlb2251/stitch_bindingsBindings for stitch
Probabilistic LLM evaluations. [CogSci2023; ACL2023]
Identifying concept libraries from language about object structure
JupyterLab computational environment.
A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
An efficient PyTorch implementation of the winning entry of the 2017 VQA Challenge.