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Vim plugin for editing Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files via the jupytext percent format

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Plugin for editing Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files via the jupytext percent format.

jupytext.vim is an excellent plugin, but it loads the result of the jupytext conversion into the ipynb buffer, which causes issues with other plugins for version control (e.g., gitgutter) and linting (e.g., coc.nvim). jupytext.vim is also a more flexible wrapper of jupytext, whereas vim-jupycent only converts to the python percent format, and adds some highlighting and folding based on this format.


  1. Make sure that you have the jupytext CLI program installed (pip install jupytext).
  2. Install this plugin with your favourite method, like vim-plug (Plug 'gabenespoli/vim-jupycent').


When you open a Jupyter Notebook (*.ipynb) file, it is automatically converted from json to markdown or python through the jupytext utility, and the result is loaded into the buffer. Upon saving, the ipynb file is updated with any modifications.

In more detail, opening a file notebook.ipynb in vim will create a temporary file This file is the result of calling e.g.

jupytext --to=py:percent --output notebook.ipynb

The file is opened, and the original notebook.ipynb is wiped from vim. When saving the buffer, its contents is first written to, and then the original notebook.ipynb is updated with a call to

jupytext --from=py:percent --to=ipynb --update --output notebook.ipynb

The --update flag ensures the output for any cell whose corresponding input in is unchanged will be preserved.

On closing the buffer, the temporary will be deleted. Use JupycentSavePy to keep the py file instead. If already existed when opening notebook.ipynb, the existing file will be used (instead of being generated by jupytext), and it will be preserved when closing the buffer. If the ipynb file becomes out of sync (because it was edited in jupyter, for example), then opening the ipynb file will open the out-of-sync py file. Use JupycentReadIpynb to reprocess the ipynb file and overwrite the py file.


  • JupycentSaveIpynb

    Saves the current python (.py) file as a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb).

  • JupycentSavePy

    Ensures that the associated py file is not deleted upon exiting vim.

  • JupycentReadIpynb

    Updates the py file by reprocessing the associated ipynb file through jupytext. This is useful if you like to edit/run your notebooks in both jupyter and vim.


The plugin has the following settings. If you want to override the default values shown below, you can define the corresponding variables in your ~/.vimrc.

  • let g:jupycent_enable = 1

    You may disable the automatic conversion of ipynb files (i.e., deactivate this plugin) by setting this to 0.

  • let g:jupycent_command = 'jupytext'

    The CLI jupytext command to use. You may include the full path to point to a specific jupytext executable not in your default $PATH.

  • let g:jupycent_to_ipynb_opts = '--to=ipynb --update'

    Command line options for the conversion from g:jupytext_fmt back to the notebook format

  • let g:jupycent_line_return = 1

    When opening a notebook as a .py, return to the last line you were editing using g`"zvzz


This plugin takes some inspiration, code, and documentation from jupytext.vim. vim-jupycent is basically a fork of jupytext.vim, but is probably too different to call it a fork.


Vim plugin for editing Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files via the jupytext percent format






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