react-next-boilerplate Public
A NextJS boilerplate with RTL, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, ESLint and NextJS ๐
grpc-golang Public
A Golang repository with some study projects using gRPC
Go MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2023 -
devbook-go Public
A Golang project developed for studying purposes (CRUD)
Go MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2023 -
gopportunities Public
A Golang project developed during Arthur Andrade's tutorial, also using Gin, Swagger, GoORM and SQLite
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 30, 2023 -
go-fc-serverless Public
Project developed during Full Cycle tutorial, deployed to AWS and using Serverless, DynamoDB, Lambda etc
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2023 -
sorting-visualizer Public
Sorting visualizer project developed using pure JavaScript ๐
cli-node-gluegun Public
Repository to list my personal CLI's, created for fun or optimize some task โณ
uber-layout Public
React Native Uber clone. This project simulates a trip in the Uber application, using the user current localization and directions module from React Native to create the route ๐
react-data-visualization Public
A ReactJS web application that shows current value of Bitcoin and others currencies ๐
billing-cycle-reactjs Public
ConMoney developed to manage the money of users and showing the balance on your credits and debits ๐ ๐ฐ
react-race-game Public
A Race game developed in one week using React, Styled Components, NodeJS, GraphQL and much fun ๐ ๐
files-upload Public
A ReactJS and NodeJS project to upload images using Amazon S3 ๐
site-templates Public
Landpages developed during some course or open source freelancer projects.
spotify-player-react-redux Public
A Spotify player clone using JSON Server to simule Spotify API - ReactJS and React Native ๐ถ
react-native-ecommerce Public
E-commerce mobile application developed using React Native ๐ ๐ฉ
Microfrontents example using Webpack Module Federation and using React and Vue in the same app + AWS integration with S3 and Cloudfront via GitHub Actions.
booking-app-ui-react-native Public
A Booking App UI example build with React Native.
video-chat-webrtc Public
A simple video chat app developed using Socket.io and WebRTC ๐ฅ
react-micro-example Public
Example of micro frontends infrastructure using ReactJS
links-estudo Public
Forked from React-Avancado/links-estudoLinks interessantes sobre tudo abordado no curso
1 UpdatedJul 6, 2020 -
games-unity-courses Public
Repository with all games developed during courses and using Unity as game engine ๐พ ๐ฎ
Repository with most part of the challenges (JavaScript) I did at HackerRank and Codility ๐
omni-stack-saas Public
SaaS project to user management between projects and companies ๐
pipefy-app Public
A React project to recreate a simple Pipefy version.
adonis-api Public
A example of AdonisJS API, using Authentication and Authorization, Email, Redis and much more ๐
barber-app Public
A simple NodeJS project to schedule barber time ๐
github-user-location Public
A GitHub user location project, to know where developers live and their GitHub profiles ๐ - ReactJS project.
user-auth-jwt Public
JWT User Authentication API - NodeJS ๐ฅ
git-compare Public
ReactJS project that 'compare' GitHub repositories