PhD student at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA). Codes are for inertial sensors, optical fibers, interferometers, lasers, and laboratory equipment.
- Brazil
AllanNoises.jl Public
Julia package to recover noise values from Allan deviation plot
Interferometers.jl Public
Simulation of interferometric signals and phase modulations
Template_Thesis_ITA Public
Forked from AlejandroRios/Template_Thesis_ITA -
laser-spec-auto Public
Automation of laser spectrum characterization using ILX laser controller and Yokogawa AQ6370D optical spectrum analyzer.
biblatex-abnt Public
Forked from abntex/biblatex-abnt📚 Estilo para BibLaTeX compatível com as normas da ABNT
TeX UpdatedAug 13, 2023 -
Doing-Physics-With-Matlab Public
Forked from D-Arora/Doing-Physics-With-MatlabHTML UpdatedJan 10, 2022 -