Dual-mode Bluetooth stack, with small memory footprint.
Full firmware package for STM32WBA series containing CMSIS, HAL-LL, BSP drivers, MW libraries, and a set of projects ready for use on STM32WBA boards
OptimC - Optimization / Unconstrained Minimization/ Nonlinear Least Squares Library in ANSI C
Customizable automatic UML diagram generator for C++ based on Clang.
Based on
Deep Learning From Scratch
🔋amp-devcontainer is a batteries-included devcontainer useable for modern, embedded, software development
HAL implementation of the Embedded Infrastructure Library for ST microcontrollers
amp-preview is a user-interface framework tailed towards embedded devices
amp-embedded-infra-lib is a set of C++ libraries and headers that provide heap-less, STL like, infrastructure for embedded software development