Mention theme for Ghost blogging platform, inspired by
Screenshot made with
Mention is clean and minimalistic theme with few nice features, scroll indicator and reading time. We got inspired with and the guys from Mention give as green light, to go and craft Ghost theme.
- Scroll indicator
- Reading time
- Fully responsive
- Social link icons in footer
- Social media share buttons (Facebook, Twiter and Google plus)
- Roboto google font
- Custom tagline and CTA button in header
###To do:
- Google analytics
- Disquss comments
- Adding Swift icons
- Animations & Motion Graphics
- Better menu for mobile devices
###Demo You can check live version on my blog .
Comments, critics and suggestions are welcome :) Feel free to open issue and we will disquss it.
- Download this theme, extract it and place it in your Ghost theme folder (ghost/content/themes)
- Restart Ghost
- Login to your admin dashboard, go to settings and choose this theme from the theme dropdown
You can change the tagline and button text/link inside default.hbs file by editing this code
Link your social profiles in the icons at the bottom of the blog by editing this code
If you can leave that comment in footer that says it's crafted by Vanila
(, it
would mean a lot, cause it represents our work.
###You can find us on twiter:
@jelenajjo @shtefcs @vanila_io
##Copyright & License Released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2016 Vanila team