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Central repository for all my dotfiles.

  • bin: some simple and useful scripts (I include them in my path, personally place under ~/.local/bin)
  • zshconfig: zsh configuration files that work with prezto (AUR).
  • vim: Vim customization (heavily inspired by config-vim). I currently use with packages vim-ctrlp, vim-surround, vim-syntastic, vim-latexsuite, julia-vim-git, vim-rust-git, vim-commentary, vim-unimpaired-git, vim-pathogen, and vim-colors-zenburn. At one point, I was using vim-youcompleteme-git as well. Note that this plugin is significantly heavier than the others, but provides fantastic autocompletion capabilities.
  • nvim: Neovim config. Slowly (and hopefully!) transitioning to it from Vim...
  • mozilla: Firefox customization via the user.js/mozilla.cfg method. This is heavily based off pyllyukko/user.js, with minor tweaks. Please note that this is not frequently updated as Firefox is too fast moving, and evolves based on my web needs. It is sufficiently different in structure that I do not simply maintain a fork of this repo.
  • awesome: Awesome tiling WM customization (trimmed and modified from powerarrow-darker theme of awesome-copycats). This is meant to be used with the lain-git package for various widgets. WARNING: This is meant to be used with Awesome 3.5, and has not been ported to 4.0 yet! In particular, lain should be checked out to commit 301faf5 or earlier.
  • alias: custom aliases, most from aliases.
  • gitconfig: global git configuration
  • tlp: a very useful (especially for laptops) advanced power management utility. See the Arch wiki, and the project page for more information.
  • tmux.conf: a simple tmux configuration obtained from various sources. Have not got around to using it much yet.
  • xinitrc: nothing special here, except the standard caps lock/control key mapping especially useful for Vim. Also contains a hack for redshift, since provided systemd unit fails on my Arch laptop.
  • racketrc: configuration file for the Racket programming language.
  • redshift.conf: a nice tool for shifting the color spectrum of light based on time of day. This is especially useful for reducing eyestrain at night-time, and supposedly helps in getting better sleep as well. The project page, the Arch wiki article, and similar apps (not open source) f.lux, [Twilight] (
  • gpg.conf: configuration for GnuPG, mostly to use more secure default algorithms.
  • connman.conf: ConnMan configuration file with minor tweaks as detailed in the Arch wiki.
  • i3lock-sleep.service: Uses i3lock, and this systemd service file automatically locks screen while suspending.
  • juliarc.jl: Julia settings.
  • ctags: ctags settings.
  • ccache.conf: configuration for ccache, a very useful compilation cache speeding up builds on large projects.
  • 30-touchpad.conf: configuration for touchpad, just to get tapping to work with recent libinput. See libinput. Arch people claim it is an upstream design decision; I really don't care - it worked before, and it is ridiculous to break such things forcing end user configuration. Not the fault of Arch, just some silly upstream stuff.
  • qpdfview: configuration for qpdfview, a very elegant, simple qt/poppler based tabbed pdf/djvu/ps viewer.
  • makepkg.old: < 4.2 version of makepkg. 4.2 removed --asroot. In general, the idea is good, but it is a PITA to do automated installation of systems via scripting if one relies heavily on the AUR. I use it only temporarily until we get the base scaffold of the system up.
  • makepkg.conf: Related to the above; just helps me keep track of tweaks I have done.
  • lxterminal: configuration for lxterminal, a small terminal emulator based off GTK and VTE.
  • sakura: configuration for sakura, a pretty small terminal emulator based off GTK and VTE.
  • mpv: configuration for mpv, a media player.
  • powertop.service: Uses powertop, and this systemd service file automatically auto-tunes parameters on boot.
  • Blocks Facebook's entire IP address range, based off
  • pystartup: A simple method to store history across Python interpreter sessions. No idea why this is not part of the Python distribution itself.
  • pulse: configuration for pulseaudio.
  • pacman: Configuration files for Pacman; mainly hooks.
  • latex: LaTeX settings (mainly macros).
  • sage: SageMath settings.
  • yt-dlp: yt-dlp configuration.


Central repository for all of my configuration files







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