Comparing Geode statistics to Micrometer meters.
Build with maven:
mvn clean package
The basic command line format:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar [regex*] [options]
For example:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -i 100 -r 1m -wi 1 org.apache.geode.observability.benchmarks.meters.*
To get help:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -h
Also see below for command line options.
To list all benchmarks:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -l
To list all benchmarks and their parameters:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -lp
-i n : # iterations
-r dur : Duration of each iteration (e.g. 10m)
-to dur : Timeout for each iteration
Benchmark Parameters
-p name=value,value,...
-wi : # warmup iterations
-o f : Redirect output to file f
-v mode : Verbosity mode (SILENT, NORMAL, EXTRA)
-rff f : Write machine readable results to f
-rf fmt : Use fmt to format machine readable results
Threads and JVMs
-t n : # threads
-f n : # forks
-h : display help
-l : list benchmarks and exit
-lp : list benchmarks and parameters, then exit
To see additional command line options, run
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -h
First, install the JMH plugin. You'll find it in the "Marketplace" section of the plugins.
Right-click a benchmark class or method,
then select one of the Run
options from the menu.
Edit the run configuration's Program arguments field to specify command line arguments, the same as if you were running on the command line.