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This sample is to demonstrate how to leverage Azure User Assigned Managed Identify (UAMI) to connect Azure resources; make those resources to serve as infrastructure that are able to run and expose Oracle WebLogic Server. Including:

  • Run Oracle WebLogic Server on AKS and expose WebLogic with Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC)
  • Store certificates in Key Vault and store WebLogic logs in Storage Account SMB file share
  • Use UAMI to connect AGIC with Application Gateway
  • Use UAMI to connect Application Gateway with Key Vault
  • Use UAMI to connect Deployment Script with Azure resources



To deploy the sample, you must meet one of the following subscription permissions:

Run with Azure CLI

Run the sample with a new AKS cluster

Create a resource group:

az group create -n javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -l eastus

Invoke the script:

az deployment group create -f mainTemplate.bicep -g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg

Run the sample with an existing AKS cluster

Create a resource group:

az group create -n javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -l eastus

Create an AKS cluster

az aks create -g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -n javaeeUamiTestWlsOnAks --enable-managed-identity

Invoke the script and specify the AKS cluster:

az deployment group create -f mainTemplate.bicep \
    -g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg \
    --parameters aksClusterName=javaeeUamiTestWlsOnAks aksClusterRGName=javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg createAKSCluster=false

Access application

URLs for test application: http://<appgw-ip>/testwebapp/ and https://<appgw-ip>/testwebapp/

Design details


Resources Use Cases
AKS 1. Create a new AKS with system managed identity enable.
2. Bring an existing AKS cluster of different auth mode:
  - User assigned managed identity.
  - System assigned managed identity.
  - Service principal
Key Vault Auto generate a self-signed certificate for Application SSL/TLS termination, and store it in the key vault.
Application Gateway 1. Expose workload with HTTP.
2. Expose workload with HTTPS.
Storage Enable AKS PV on a SMB file share.

Managed Identity and Roles

Here list key managed identity used in the prototype. Terms and phrases used in the table:

  • Current resource group: the resource group that runs this sample, e.g. javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg
  • AKS Node resource group: the managed resource group ok AKS, e.g. MC_javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg_javaeeUamiTestWlsOnAks_eastus
  1. Managed Identity and roles used in the sample when creating a new AKS cluster.
Managed Identity Name Type Role Assignments Scope Usage
wls-aks-deployment-script-user-defined-managed-itentity User Assigned Contributor Subscription The identity is used for Deployment Script:
  - To access and update AKS cluster for WebLogic deployment and ingress creation.
  - To access and update key vault.
wls-aks-application-gateway-user-defined-managed-itentity User Assigned Contributor Current resource group 1. To connect Application Gateway and AGIC.
2. To access key vault for SSL certificate of Application Gateway.
  1. Managed Identity and roles used in the sample when bringing an existing AKS cluster
Managed Identity Name Type Resource group Role Assignments Scope Usage
wls-aks-deployment-script-user-defined-managed-itentity User Assigned Current resource group Contributor Subscription The identity is used for Deployment Script:
  - To access and update existing AKS cluster for WebLogic deployment, network peering and ingress creation.
  - To access and update key vault.
wls-aks-application-gateway-user-defined-managed-itentity User Assigned Current resource group Contributor Current resource group 1. To access key vault for SSL certificate of Application Gateway.
ingressapplicationgateway-* User Assigned AKS Node resource group Contributor Current resource group 1. Connect ACIG and Application Gateway.

Note: manged identity ingressapplicationgateway-* is created by the following command, the command does not support specifying a managed identity.

az aks enable-addons -n ${NAME_AKS_CLUSTER} -g ${NAME_AKS_CLUSTER_RG} --addons ingress-appgw --appgw-id $appgwId

UAMI Workflow

  • UAMI workflow of creating new AKS cluster

UAMI workflow with new AKS cluster

  • UAMI workflow of bringing existing AKS cluster

UAMI workflow with new AKS cluster

Useful Bicep usage for role assignments

  1. Assign roles across resource group

    module roleAssignment 'modules/_roleAssignmentCrossResourceGroup.bicep' = {
        name: 'assign-role'
        scope: resourceGroup(<your-resource-group-name>)
        params: {
            roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId
            principalId: principalId
  2. Assign roles in subscription

    module roleAssignment 'modules/_roleAssignmentinSubscription.bicep' = {
        name: 'assign-role'
        scope: subscription()
        params: {
            roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId
            principalId: principalId


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