This sample is to demonstrate how to leverage Azure User Assigned Managed Identify (UAMI) to connect Azure resources; make those resources to serve as infrastructure that are able to run and expose Oracle WebLogic Server. Including:
- Run Oracle WebLogic Server on AKS and expose WebLogic with Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC)
- Store certificates in Key Vault and store WebLogic logs in Storage Account SMB file share
- Use UAMI to connect AGIC with Application Gateway
- Use UAMI to connect Application Gateway with Key Vault
- Use UAMI to connect Deployment Script with Azure resources
To deploy the sample, you must meet one of the following subscription permissions:
- Contributor + User Access Administrator (Both are subscription roles, not AAD roles.)
- Owner
Create a resource group:
az group create -n javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -l eastus
Invoke the script:
az deployment group create -f mainTemplate.bicep -g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg
Create a resource group:
az group create -n javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -l eastus
Create an AKS cluster
az aks create -g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg -n javaeeUamiTestWlsOnAks --enable-managed-identity
Invoke the script and specify the AKS cluster:
az deployment group create -f mainTemplate.bicep \
-g javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg \
--parameters aksClusterName=javaeeUamiTestWlsOnAks aksClusterRGName=javaee-on-azure-uami-prototype-rg createAKSCluster=false
URLs for test application: http://<appgw-ip>/testwebapp/
and https://<appgw-ip>/testwebapp/
Resources | Use Cases |
AKS | 1. Create a new AKS with system managed identity enable. 2. Bring an existing AKS cluster of different auth mode: - User assigned managed identity. - System assigned managed identity. - Service principal |
Key Vault | Auto generate a self-signed certificate for Application SSL/TLS termination, and store it in the key vault. |
Application Gateway | 1. Expose workload with HTTP. 2. Expose workload with HTTPS. |
Storage | Enable AKS PV on a SMB file share. |
Here list key managed identity used in the prototype. Terms and phrases used in the table:
- Current resource group: the resource group that runs this sample, e.g.
- AKS Node resource group: the managed resource group ok AKS, e.g.
- Managed Identity and roles used in the sample when creating a new AKS cluster.
Managed Identity Name | Type | Role Assignments | Scope | Usage |
wls-aks-deployment-script-user-defined-managed-itentity |
User Assigned | Contributor | Subscription | The identity is used for Deployment Script: - To access and update AKS cluster for WebLogic deployment and ingress creation. - To access and update key vault. |
wls-aks-application-gateway-user-defined-managed-itentity |
User Assigned | Contributor | Current resource group | 1. To connect Application Gateway and AGIC. 2. To access key vault for SSL certificate of Application Gateway. |
- Managed Identity and roles used in the sample when bringing an existing AKS cluster
Managed Identity Name | Type | Resource group | Role Assignments | Scope | Usage |
wls-aks-deployment-script-user-defined-managed-itentity |
User Assigned | Current resource group | Contributor | Subscription | The identity is used for Deployment Script: - To access and update existing AKS cluster for WebLogic deployment, network peering and ingress creation. - To access and update key vault. |
wls-aks-application-gateway-user-defined-managed-itentity |
User Assigned | Current resource group | Contributor | Current resource group | 1. To access key vault for SSL certificate of Application Gateway. |
ingressapplicationgateway-* |
User Assigned | AKS Node resource group | Contributor | Current resource group | 1. Connect ACIG and Application Gateway. |
Note: manged identity ingressapplicationgateway-*
is created by the following command, the command does not support specifying a managed identity.
az aks enable-addons -n ${NAME_AKS_CLUSTER} -g ${NAME_AKS_CLUSTER_RG} --addons ingress-appgw --appgw-id $appgwId
- UAMI workflow of creating new AKS cluster
- UAMI workflow of bringing existing AKS cluster
Assign roles across resource group
module roleAssignment 'modules/_roleAssignmentCrossResourceGroup.bicep' = { name: 'assign-role' scope: resourceGroup(<your-resource-group-name>) params: { roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId principalId: principalId } }
Assign roles in subscription
module roleAssignment 'modules/_roleAssignmentinSubscription.bicep' = { name: 'assign-role' scope: subscription() params: { roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId principalId: principalId } }