Simple Spring MVC Web App for Spring Security training purposes.
- Spring Web MVC 5.8.0
- Spring Security 5.7.0
- Servlet API 3.1.0
- Servlet JSP API 2.3.1
- Servlet JSTL 1.2
- MySQL Java Connector 8.0.12
- C3P0
Simple Spring MVC Web App for Spring Security trainning pupposes.
The following Spring Security features can be found in this project:
- Spring Java Configuration. No XML configuration is used in this project at all. But, just to clarify: I'm not against; it's just the chosen strategy.
- Ugly login form using plain JSP
- Enhanced login form using Bootstrap
- Customized "Access Denied" page
- CSRF support
- Static (hardcoded) user for authentication. Only for trainning purposes and for quicky setup.
- JDBC for authentication.
- Role based access control
- Role based page displaying
To get this Maven project working:
- Database
- Install latest MySQL version
- Execute script
- Note that this scripts creates three users with the following access details:
- john/fun123/[ROLE_EMPLOYEE]
- susan/fun123/[ROLE_EMPLOYEE, ROLE_ADMIN]
- Note that passwords are stored using bscrypt algorithm.
This should create this database: [Database Diagram]
- Java
- Clone this repo
- Build using Maven
- In your IDE, run the application on a Server (I use Tomcat 9.0)
- Play around