a BILoggerFactory which you can use to get interface based BILoggers and case class based BILoggers.
Remove @CFLogger from your logging class (where you declare your @BiEvent)
Declare a bean in your spring config which returns your interface and use the the BILoggerFactory to retrieve the interface.
@Bean def htmlRendererBILog: HtmlRendererBILog = {
BILoggerFactory.aBILoggerFor(classOf[HtmlRendererBILog]) //HtmlRendererBILog is a class that has @BiEvent(s)
public HtmlRendererBILog htmlRendererBILog() {
return BILoggerFactory.aBILoggerFor(HtmlRendererBILog.class);
- Retrieve a logger with @Resource
- Create a logging interface and declare your @BiEvent(s)
public interface HtmlRendererBILog {
public static final String RENDERING_HTML_SITE = "Rendering HTML Site";
public static final String HTML_SITE_NOT_FOUND = "Html Site not Found";
public static final int RENDERING_HTML_SITE_ID = 4100;
public static final int HTML_SITE_NOT_FOUND_ID = 4101;
void renderingHtmlSite(@ParamName("renderer") String renderer,
@ParamName("baseUri") String baseUri,
@ParamName("applicationId") String applicationId,
@ParamName("domain") String domain,
@ParamName("documentType") DocumentType documentType,
@ParamName("path") String path,
@ParamName("rendererResult") ProcessorResult result);
void htmlSiteNotFound(@ParamName("renderer") String renderer,
@ParamName("baseUri") String baseUri,
@ParamName("applicationId") String applicationId,
@ParamName("documentType") DocumentType documentType,
@ParamName("path") String path);
- Retrieve a logger
val biLog = BILoggerFactory.aBILoggerFor(classOf[HtmlRendererBILog])
(Or through @Bean and @Resource or )
- Log BiEvents
biLog.renderingHtmlSite("name", "/baseUri", "appId","domain", "docType", "path", result);
- Create a logger
val exampleSource = 28
val logger = BILoggerFactory.aBILogger(eventSource = exampleSource, markerName = "name")
- Create case class based BiEvent
case class MyEvent(user: String) extends BIEvent(32)
- Log BiEvent
##One more thing...
As always, start with checking out the tests