Tags: galymzhan-shakhanov/graphx
fixes for 1.0.5 ## [1.0.5] - adds support for the new PointerPanZoom*Event family on Listenable that overrides the mouse Signal (mouse wheel) on desktop OS. Basically, currently on desktop builds, everytime a mouse wheel event is triggered, a PointerPanZoomEvent is dispatched on the Listenable. Check [MyButton] in [SimpleInteractionsMain] demo, for an example of how to use it. - add Generic Type [T] support to addChild - updated some samples for the API.
Merge pull request roipeker#20 from IsmailAlamKhan/null-safety Migrated the examples to null-safety
Merge pull request roipeker#10 from roipeker/dev update 0.9.7