Functional Discord Clone using React, Socket IO, NodeJS, Express and MySQL
Currently learning WebRTC to implement voice!
Originally started off on a test project for learning Functional Components, Hooks, Socket IO and TypeScript ended up being a Discord Clone.
Live Version
If you need to use my backend api change the env variable REACT_APP_API_URL
in .env
, otherwise host the API yourself and set this environment variable appropriately.
Implemented Features
- Real time messaging using Socket IO
- Local Authentication
- Loads User Data upon login (Servers, Channels, Private Messages)
- Creation and Joining Servers
- Creation of Channels in a Server
- Server Settings (Change name and delete)
- Channel Settings (Change name and delete)
- Persistent channel history
- Pretty Print Code Blocks enclodes in three `
- Private messaging
- Timestamps for messages
- Show current active users in given server
- Convert to Typescript (Still need to fix a lot of any types i applied)
Planned Features
- Voice Chat
Copyright Eric Ellbogen 2019
- This project is under the GNU V3 license. Find it here.