Built in Python with Flask for APIs & Deployed on Docker
- Download this repo
- api.py serves the API routes from Python-Flask application
- train.py defines, builds and creates both NN and Classification Models and related model files
- requirements.txt is a standard external packages dependency file for Python projects basically lists all 3rd party packages we use in the app
- Dockerfile contains build, directory and environment info. Used to build an image of the total ML Prediction App that can be deployed as a container into any service.
docker build -t py-api -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 py-api python3 api.py
- Build ML models to serve classifications and predictions using Flask API in Real Tine.
- Deploy the model, package requirements for Python on a Docker Image
- Test the image deployed on a container in localhost and on actual host on ports 5000
- test.json: 1300 rows of EEG data; 160 features[columns]; Used to the test models
- train.csv: Partial data to train the models
Data Extraction
Input: Row number
Output: Extract data and printed out to the console
Test Link:{lineNumber} -
Results from both models
Input: Row number
Process: Extract the selected row, inject new data into pre-trained and ddeployed models
Output: etrieve the classification prediction (Letter variable in the data)
Test Link :{lineNumber} -
Real-time Model Confidence Scores
Input: None
Process: Read all data from the local file {test.json}
Output: Print classification score of both the models.
Test Link:
- I used the idea from an article that outlined how Python-Flask-ML can be built and deployed on Docker
- Entirely coded, tested and deployed in Github Codespaces
- Output of ML may have extreme errors, which is not our focus, as we look to learn:
- How to develop a ML model on Python
- Make it accessible via Flask
- Package it as a Docker Image
- Deploy the built image as a container
- I did this in Github codespaces so had to test with in-browser terminal, outside http was not accsesible
- In the PORTS tab [Next to TERMINAL tab in Codespaces], you can set the port to be exposed to public but not guaranteed of server access
- Major packages used:
- scikit-learn
- Flask
- Numpy
- Model improvement
- Faster docker image build
- Smaller Image Layers
- Remove JSON based data storage
- Add DB access
- Check network, security, monitoring, infrastructure, orchestration in real PROD apps