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An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
flutter 版本的交友 app 模板,总计页面35个,测试数据基于 mockjs 创建(A dating app template for The Flutter version, with a total of 35 pages, was created based on MockJS.)
对常用的6700个汉字进行音、形比较,输出音近字、形近字的列表。 # 相近字
单手笔顺输入法码表 Code table for Chinese stroke sequence (one hand) input method
《Effective Modern C++》- 完成翻译
A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
The Ultimate NeoVim Config for Colemak Users
Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!
A visualizer to display attention weights on text
Convolutional 2D Knowledge Graph Embeddings resources
The code of paper Learning Hierarchy-Aware Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Link Prediction. Zhanqiu Zhang, Jianyu Cai, Yongdong Zhang, Jie Wang. AAAI 2020.
TopicModel4J: A Java Package for Topic Models (Contain LDA, Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for LDA, author-topic model, BTM, dirichlet multinomial mixture model, DPMM, Dual Sparse Topic M…
A tutorial and implement of disease centered Medical knowledge graph and qa system based on it。知识图谱构建,自动问答,基于kg的自动问答。以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。
LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification
A Topic Modeling Approach for Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions. TKDE 2018