Intro to Code session for the MedTech interest group 2016
Objective: Introduce students without prior experience in programming to basic concepts
like functions and conditionals using HTML and JavaScript.
Repository consists of:
- HTML file for a simple Fahrenheit to Celsius calculator. CSS and JavaScript code are included within the HTML file to facilitate the teaching objective. Some portions of the code can be optimized (e.g. using a form or a table) as an exercise by the students
- This readme file
Installation instructions:
- Download this repository
- Unzip the downloaded file if not done automatically by your system
- Copy the unzipped folder to a place in your computer where it can be located easily
- Open your web-browser of choice
- In the "File" tab select "Open File..."
- Locate the downloaded folder in the file browser and select the "medtech_intro-code.html" file
- The web app should appear in the current tab of your web-broser
- If you want to edit the HTML file go to a text editor and load the file. We recommend Atom (
- After making edits in the HTML file save them in the text editor. If you then refresh the file in the web-browser you will see the changes reflected