This Tableau project provides a comprehensive visual analysis of global sales, shipping costs, and quality metrics across different regions and countries.
Profit Visualized by Country
- World map showing profit distribution across countries.
Total Quality by Market Region
- Treemap displaying quality metrics for different market regions.
- APAC region highlighted with a value of 41,226.
Total Shipping Cost by Order Priority
- Bar chart comparing shipping costs across different markets and order priorities.
- Markets include Africa, APAC, Canada, EMEA, EU, LATAM, and US.
- Order priorities: Critical, High, Low, Medium.
Total Sales Throughout the G20 Countries
- World map focusing on sales data for G20 countries.
Shipping Year by Shipping Cost
- Stacked bar chart showing shipping costs trends from 2011 to 2015.
- Categorized by different shipping modes (e.g., First Class, Same Day, Second Class, Standard Class).
- Interactive visualizations allowing for detailed analysis of sales, shipping, and quality data.
- Multi-dimensional view of business performance across different geographical regions.
- Insights into shipping costs based on priority and market.
- Historical trend analysis of shipping costs.
This dashboard uses data related to global sales, shipping, and quality metrics. For specific details about the data sources, please refer to the project documentation.
To explore this dashboard:
- Open the Tableau file in Tableau Desktop or Tableau Reader.
- Interact with the visualizations to filter and drill down into specific data points.
- Hover over elements for more detailed information.
- The profit range displayed is from -143,199 to 286,397.
- Sales data ranges from 33,125 to 2,297,201.