dynamic-html-to-pdf is a small package used to create pdf from edge template.
Edge transform edge template into html string.
Playwright transform html string into pdf file.
npm install dynamic-html-to-pdf --save
const pdf = require('dynamic-html-to-pdf')
const template = '/absolute/path/to/file/template.edge'
// Context that can be used inside the views
const context = { users: [{ name: 'John Doe' }, { name: 'Jane Doe' }] }
// Playwright options (https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-page#page-pdf)
const options = { path: './output.pdf' }
// Folder that contain views (https://edgejs.dev/docs/getting_started#mounting-disks)
const defaultDisk = '/absolute/path/to/file/'
// Function that can be used inside the views (https://edgejs.dev/docs/templates_state#globals)
const globals = { toLowerCase: (string) => string.toLowerCase() }
pdf.create(template, context, options, defaultDisk, globals)
Look https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-page#page-pdf for different options.
.page {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@each(user in users)
<div class="page">
{{ toLowerCase(user.name) }}
Look https://edgejs.dev/docs/introduction for edge syntax