Library of cursor rules file for AI development with Cursor.
There are both project specific and global rules. Project specific rules should be in a directoy called ".cursor/rules" within your project. All rules should end in ".mdc".
There is even a rule for that:
# Cursor Rules Location
Rules for placing and organizing Cursor rule files in the repository.
name: cursor_rules_location
description: Standards for placing Cursor rule files in the correct directory
# Match any .mdc files
- type: file_extension
pattern: "\\.mdc$"
# Match files that look like Cursor rules
- type: content
pattern: "(?s)<rule>.*?</rule>"
# Match file creation events
- type: event
pattern: "file_create"
- type: reject
- pattern: "^(?!\\.\\/\\.cursor\\/rules\\/.*\\.mdc$)"
message: "Cursor rule files (.mdc) must be placed in the .cursor/rules directory"
- type: suggest
message: |
When creating Cursor rules:
1. Always place rule files in PROJECT_ROOT/.cursor/rules/:
├── your-rule-name.mdc
├── another-rule.mdc
└── ...
2. Follow the naming convention:
- Use kebab-case for filenames
- Always use .mdc extension
- Make names descriptive of the rule's purpose
3. Directory structure:
├── .cursor/
│ └── rules/
│ ├── your-rule-name.mdc
│ └── ...
└── ...
4. Never place rule files:
- In the project root
- In subdirectories outside .cursor/rules
- In any other location
- input: |
# Bad: Rule file in wrong location
# Good: Rule file in correct location
output: "Correctly placed Cursor rule file"
priority: high
version: 1.0
Credit to Geoffrey Huntley for that rule.