A CLI application that allows you to track your Overwatch 2 matches, see your statistics and more...
- Integrated with Google Sheets
- Create, read and delete matches
- Add party to your matches
- See your statistics (Best heroes, maps and role)
This app was built with node v20+ if something isn't working correctly, it's probably related to this.
git clone https://github.com/gasech/owtrack-cli.git
cd owtrack-cli
npm i
First, create an account in Google Cloud Developer, then you have to create an application so you can make requests to
the Google Sheets API, theres a ton of tutorials on how to do that, by the end of it you should have a .json file with
your secrets, rename it to secrets.json
then paste it to the root of the project.
Create your .env
file then paste this and paste your sheets ID (make sure your sheet is public or your API account have
access to it).
npm start
First delete all of your cached data before testing. It's an inconvenience but necessary for now. Then run npm test
- Google Sheets integration
- Stats should ignore matches with exceptions (Leaver or thrower in both teams)
- Add leaver/thrower ratio
This project is heavily inspired by Competiwatch