A template for Scala in SBT:
- two modules independent on
, - Scalafmt configuration,
- Scoverage configuration,
- Scalastyle configuration,
- WartRemover configuration,
- predefined [sub]tasks:
which run tests asIntegrationTest
respectively, - some additional plugins I finding useful: sbt-revolver, sbt-lock, sbt-git, sbt-assembly,
Within build.sbt
use existing modules as basis how to use small DSL for applying common settings:
will create module frommodules/name
directory and set its SBT name toname
can be used for settings up artifact name and description with fluent interface,setInitialImport("package")
will set console starting point toimport your.namespace, {package}
will apply all common settings fromSettings.scala
will configuretest
task to subprojects,compileAndTestDependsOn(projects)
will set up both compile and test dependency (sotest:compile
will dependa ontest:compile
of atest:compile
of another project allowing for reusing common test logic),- each of those commands will return project allowing normal
application. For individual settings one can also usemodules/name/build.sbt
individual per-module settings. project/Settings.scala
for tweakingscalacOptions
and etc,* .scalafmt.conf
for defining coding styles.- common resolvers and dependencies within
If possible make defaults as strict as possible and just loosen them where absolutely needed:
coverage disabling:
// $COVERAGE:OFF$ [reason] // not measured // $COVERAGE:ON$
formatting disabling:
// format: OFF // not formatted // format: ON
style check disabling:
// scalastyle:off [rule id] // not checked // scalastyle:on
It can be used for e.g disabling measurement of automatically generated code, formatting that merges lines into something exceeding character limit or allowing null where interacting with Java code.
sbt "project subproject1" run // or
sbt subproject1/run
sbt "project subproject1" assembly // or
sbt subproject1/assembly
sbt "project subproject2" assembly // or
sbt subproject2/assembly
sbt clean coverage lock test it:test coverageReport coverageAggregate scalastyle
When measuring coverage, make sure to clean project otherwise it will not instrument properly. (To be precise coverage cache should be clean if you want to have correct results - if you have just built project and haven't run any tests with coverage enabled you don't have to clean anything).
Running selected suite:
sbt common/test
sbt common/fun:test
sbt common/it:test