MELCO Information Technology Lab
- Japan Kamakura
- /dev/null
Japanese-BPEEncoder Public
Forked from tanreinama/Japanese-BPEEncoderJapanese-BPEEncoder
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2021 -
gpt2-japanese Public
Forked from tanreinama/gpt2-japaneseJapanese GPT2 Generation Model
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2021 -
lightweight-gan Public
Forked from lucidrains/lightweight-ganImplementation of 'lightweight' GAN, proposed in ICLR 2021, in Pytorch. High resolution image generations that can be trained within a day or two
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 5, 2020 -
illustration2vec Public
Forked from kivantium/illustration2vecA simple deep learning library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrations.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2020 -
docker-python-chromedriver Public
Forked from joyzoursky/docker-python-chromedriverDockerfile for running Python Selenium in headless Chrome (Python 2.7 / Python 3.6 / Python 3.7 / Alpine based Python / Chromedriver / Selenium / Xvfb included in different versions)
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2019 -
DeepLearning_C_Sharp Public
cloned from https://github.com/snaga/DeepLearning_C_Sharp
C# UpdatedAug 12, 2018 -
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 21, 2018 -
pySDNN Public
SDNN(Selective Desensitization Neural Network) implemented in python
tikz-bayesnet Public
Forked from jluttine/tikz-bayesnetTikZ library for drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models and (directed) factor graphs in LaTeX.
TeX MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2017 -
CrawlLibrary Public
Forked from Omniment/CrawlLibraryOmniment, Inc. の教育向けロボットキット Crawl の Arduino ライブラリ
C++ UpdatedOct 30, 2016 -
netlify_test Public
A clean Cactus install. Cactus is a simple but powerful static website generator using Python and the Django template system
Python UpdatedAug 10, 2016 -