This is a unofficial simulator for taiko no tatsujin game. 这是非官方版的太鼓达人模拟器
This is designed to be a single player game for practising. 设计的目的是作为单人模式提供练习功能
You can control the speed and progress to improve your skills. Like you can adjust the speed anywhere and restart from the last stop. 可以随时调节歌曲的速度并且从上一个停止的地方开始不断重新开始
Some of the features are trimmed like the scoring, you can try Taiko Web for a more immersive experience. Taiko Web 是纯粹的太鼓模拟器,细节做得很完美,
- Progress in the result page is not correct for diversed songs. 有谱面分歧的歌曲可能最后的结果展示有问题
- Not all songs are tested. 未经过完整测试所有歌曲
- Add local history for best results. 添加最好成绩的历史记录
- Add favorite songs. 添加喜爱的歌曲
- Click progress in the result page to move to the corresponding measure. 可以通过在结果页选择进度,直接跳转到对应的小节
- Upload song from local disk 本地上传歌曲
- Mobile device adaption 适配移动端
- Multiplayer 多人游戏