What number says?
Create an app which tells facts about numbers. Facts can be received from API and can be displayed to user.
API provides facts for following categories:
1. Trivia
2. Math
3. Date
4. Year
Facts for the above mentioned category can be received in two ways from API:
1. Random Facts API - API selects a random number and returns a fact related to that category. For eg: http://numbersapi.com/random/math will return a random fact related to mathematics.
2. Specific Facts API - This returns a fact related to number related to that category. For eg: http://numbersapi.com/3/math will return a fact related to number "3" for category "math"
A) Basic Functionality:
Random Facts Screen - A screen showing categories which can be selected by user. On clicking a category, it should fetch a fact from API and display it on the screen.
User Interface:
Input: View to select a category (“trivia”, “math”, “date”, “year”) - Mandatory
Output: View displaying fact received from API.
Endpoint URL: http://numbersapi.com/random/{category}
Type: GET
Parameter: "category" - where category can be “trivia”, “math”, “date”, “year”.
String with a fact
Sample Request URLs:
1. http://numbersapi.com/random/trivia
2. http://numbersapi.com/random/year
3. http://numbersapi.com/random/date
4. http://numbersapi.com/random/math
B) Advance Functionality:
In addition to basic app, implement functionality mentioned below.
Quest Facts Screen - A screen showing a view where user can select a category, input a number, on clicking submit button, a fact will be displayed.
Example: If a user selects category as “math“ and number as “10”, app should fetch data from request http://numbersapi.com/3/math and shows a fact accordingly regarding mathematical number 10
User Interface:
View to select a category (“trivia”, “math”, “date”, “year”) - Mandatory
View to input Number - Mandatory
Submit Button
View displaying fact recieved from API.
Endpoint URL: http://numbersapi.com/{digitOrDate}/{category}
Type: GET
"category" - where category can be “trivia”, “math”, “date”, “year”.
"digitOrDate" - it can be a date "MM/DD" eg "01/09"
it can be a digit eg "180"
String with a fact
Sample Request URLs:
1. http://numbersapi.com/3/math - Returns a fact related to number 3 for "maths" category
2. http://numbersapi.com/180/trivia - Returns a fact related to number 180 for "trivia" category
3. http://numbersapi.com/01/09/date - Returns a fact related to data January 09, for "date" category
4. http://numbersapi.com/2017/year - Returns a fact related to year 2017 for "year" category
Deliverables: Minimum viable product: should contain all the necessary source files and app. A short presentation that should contain a description of your solution.