Hadoop Streaming using Python
The task is on running a MapReduce program using Python in Hadoop Cluster. Follow the below mentioned steps to perform Hadoop streaming.
- Login to Hadoop Cluster using your credentials.
- Run Command
git clone https://github.uc.edu/gondinm/hadoop-streaming.git
- The above commands creates a directory in file system.
- Go inside the directory by using change directory.
cd hadoop-streaming
- You will see mapper and reducer scripts inside the directory.
- Now, run the following command to run map reduce on new york city traffic accidents data.
hadoop jar /usr/hdp/ -file mapper.py -mapper mapper.py -file reducer.py -reducer reducer.py -input /data/nyc/nyc-traffic.csv -output /user/gondinm/pyOut/
- The log for running above code and the output file has been pushed into this repository as RunLog.txt and Outputfile.
- Now, once the command gets executed it creates a pyOut directory in the hadoop cluster. Copy it to local directory using:
hadoop fs -get /user/gondinm/pyOut /home/gondinm/pyOut
- Go inside the pyOut directory and check part_0000 file to view the output of the code.