Detectron2_ObjDect Public
Using Meta's Detectron2 frameworks to preform object detection for use in an ML pipeline with LabelStudio
Python UpdatedMar 17, 2023 -
scapy Public
Forked from secdev/scapyScapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports Python 2 & Python 3.
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
cs3210-assignments-spring2020 Public
Forked from uiowa-cs-3210-0001/cs3210-assignments-spring2020C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2020 -
backend-take-home Public
Forked from ysingh/backend-take-homeTake home assignment for backend dev candidates
UpdatedOct 4, 2019 -
check_uscis_script Public
Forked from cczhong11/check_uscis_scriptA simple Python script help you know more about USCIS status
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2019 -
CS4270_Project Public
Forked from natchaphon-r/CS4270_ProjectSDN Project
Python UpdatedNov 10, 2014